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Matrix Switcher Illuminated LED Button

PB24 Series of Matrix switcher illuminated LED button provides designers with many choices that highlights and complete control front panels needing a creative and prevailing appearance and feel.


Illuminated pushbuttons for control panels are crucial components in modern electronic and industrial systems, providing both visual feedback and tactile response for users. These buttons are widely used in applications ranging from industrial control panels to consumer electronics, offering a combination of functional utility, aesthetic appeal, and enhanced safety. Their illuminated nature not only enhances the user interface but also helps ensure ease of operation, especially in low-light conditions or in environments where immediate status indication is critical.

In poorly lit environments, illuminated pushbuttons help users quickly identify and interact with controls, improving the accessibility and ease of operation in factories, control rooms, or consumer electronics where users need to act swiftly.

Customizable Colors: The LED can be designed in various colors (red, green, blue, yellow, etc.) to match the specific needs of the application or design aesthetic. Multiple colors can also be used for multi-state indication, enabling users to easily understand the status of different parts of a system at a glance.

Fvwin PB30 series illuminated control broadcasting push button is a stable PCB mount Led button switch,there is emitting color with red,green,blue,white and yellow,that has four three various cap sizes of 12mm,15mm,17.4mm are optional,we also provide engraved logo on the sculptured square caps for the Matrix switcher illuminated LED button;Illuminated pushbuttons are commonly used in smart home systems to control lighting, security, and entertainment systems. The LED illumination helps users clearly identify which systems are active or inactive, making it easier to interact with the control interface, even from a distance or in dim lighting.
